CT to Rollins Pass, CO, USA

July 2023

5 days / 260 miles

Not yet learning my lesson from previous rides, I once again set off on a route that’s not really suited to panniers – aka, the Colorado Trail. I also lucked out and left during a heat wave. Starting out up Waterton Canyon and the first section of single-track was nice enough, but it got technical quickly and the going was slow. I pushed hard trying to reach my goal for the day and bonked pretty badly, not reaching Buffalo Creek campground until an hour before sunset. On Day 2, the heat was intense riding south towards Tarryall Creek… some other riders and I were all suffering. I decided I was going to need an easier way to get to Breckenridge, so instead of following the CT north towards Kenosha Pass, I stayed on Tarryall Rd a bit futher and then turned onto Packer Lane to get to Como. Riding the couple miles on 285 was not fun at all and I wouldn’t recommend it. I was going to ride west of Como to find a spot to camp, but an interesting German family saw me take a break in Como and invited me to camp in their yard for the night, and also gave me a beer and dinner!

I took a short day on Day 3, just riding over Boreas Pass and staying in a motel in Frisco to recuperate. The next day, I followed part of the Great Divide route over Ute Pass, then turned east on Keyser Creek Rd to Fraser, then to Winter Park and Corona (Rollins) Pass Rd. I found a pretty good camp spot in a switchback about halfway up the climb, right next to a small creek. Day 5 brought me over the top of Corona/Rollins Pass and down Magnolia Rd to Boulder.

Starting up Waterton Canyon
The first section of single track after Waterton Canyon has some really nice parts
Looking west towards the east Buffalo Creek area before the big descent and climb out of the Platte River
Wellington Lake
Keyser Creek Road was beautiful… highly recommended
Start of Corona Pass Rd.
Looking back at Winter Park near the top of Corona Pass Rd.
The Ol’ trestle… I walked it!
The trail over Needle Eye Tunnel is better than it was 10 years ago, but is still hard carrying a bike. There is another trail that’s been developed to the west which might be a good alternate.